Monday, 20 January 2014

ReArranging The Stuff In Your Life.

Got up this morning and braced myself to take the cold outside and go running and Boy! Did I feel good..
Heartbeat gets racing and you breathe in the fresh chill air ..Nothing could beat it... Leaving me Feeling Good about Life once again.

It inspired me to blog today about something we all have to do at some point in our life - REARRANGE

Sometimes Life just builds these huge roadblocks or barriers that you need to fight through everyday.
I could say I've hit many if not a few big ones to get to this very day - 21st January 2014 and one thing I've learned is that Fighting through each day can be so much harder than Rearranging. 

Example: Your kitchen cupboard - When you see your cups and bowls are harder to find and you always end up knocking something over in the pursuit to pick out one particular cup your'e looking for, you don't just drag them all out and throw them .. neither do you break them all.. You Just REARRANGE.
Example: Your Wardrobe - When your clothes are in a mess, I'm sure we hardly just throw them all out the window. We just pick out a good time to think through a process of arranging them and we REARRANGE. Your socks in a sock drawer.. Your Delicates in another.. You Hang up all your clothes..Your Suits, Your Party Dresses etc etc...                    

Sometimes and this happens most times , when we little humans hit a wall in life's everyday pursuits, instead of thinking it through and working our way around it, we find it easiest to abandon or just break it down or throw it away.
I've learned it so much easier and wiser to just prioritize, take stock of what's holding you back and REARRANGE. It might take longer and might require stability to do it well but it's better than being irrational and making big hasty decisions that leave you regretting later.

Many might say that well sometimes you just don't have an option but to throw some stuff the old stuff...the rotten stuff.. {like your old clothes than have gathered moss}... or old stuff that just spoiled over time.. and I agree.. Sometimes you do have to get rid of the Rotten Stuff... like bad choices, the wrong people who have had no good influence or are just no good being a part of your world, bad habits and Well, we all have a List :)

I think my morning run has just inspired me to write this much today or usually I'd rant on...
Before I end, I just want to implore all those who get a chance to read this out there that 
Your Life can be much easier and give you true happiness, If you just REARRANGE and PRIORITIZE. 
You don't need to really get banged up to realize this much. 
Take it from someone who's gone through a lot more than a 25 Year old should. 

Today I'm 25 and I am loving life to the fullest after a long time and I have my priorities right and I'm happy today and I know it's only going to get better every single day. I love my whole family and I think of each one of them who's played such an important role and being part of this Gift Of Life.  
When the day comes and I'm having a bad one, I will first JUST REARRANGE

Good Day, Guten Tag and Masah Al Khair.

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