Good Morning, Guten Morgen & Sabah Al Khair to All my Awesome people out there...
This is just my second post and I'm so glad to say that in just the last two days, I've got 200 Views on my blog on my first write-up about "LETTING GO!!"
A big THANK YOU, DANKE & SHUKRAN to all those who took the time to catch up with me through my blog.
TODAY's piece is inspired by a very well-known quote stated by Oscar Wilde - a very famous Irish Writer and Poet. What do you think ??
Easier said than done huh!!!
How many of us have a tough time "Being Ourselves" ???? I know I did.. I had a major issue being my true self at all times..I sometimes felt as if I'm trying to and dying to live up to the standards of every single person that meant something to me starting from those in my family, to friends, to people at work to even just general people I came across at various places, social gatherings etc. Not saying I was a FAKE Person, I was immensely true in everything I did or said however, it was most of the time a MIRAGE people saw behind the suffering, hurt, depression, BAGGAGE and the worst part is I could never blame anyone and still cant because I WAS SO GOOD at HIDING IT ALL, even those that truly cared for me were never able to see what truly was going on...
I know so many people and close friends too in my life who literally bent over backwards and strove to BE SOMEONE ELSE just to be accepted, loved, cared for, or just thought of as an "AWESOME" person.
- Why do we stab ourselves with this PAIN ??
- How long you going to pretend to be someone else ?? Someone else you know nothing about ??
- Why do you find it so difficult to SPEAK OUT and Say What You Want To Say ?
I'm going to cite a few examples and I want those who read this to write back and tell me if you've ever been in this situation.
- It's Friday Night, your back from work, you want to go out tonight, you get yourself ready. Ladies - you put on your sexy pumps and the perfect little black dress.. Boys - you put on a crisp white shirt, denim jeans and those new Loafers you just bought last month. You call up a couple friends or you have a group you usually bump into at a club and you head out... You reach your destination and then you suddenly realize, you don't feel as good as you thought you would ?? Your surrounded by people you have nothing in common with...surrounded by music that doesn't make sense to you...surrounded by an atmosphere that pushes you into a shell .. What do you do ?? You have the option to walk out and do something else that would rather make you happy.. make you feel the way you want to on a Friday night... but NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! "My friends are going to think I'm a major party pooper" , or "I cant just leave.. I too want to have a good time.. So what if its not my kind of fun... I'll blend in!! " DAMAGE DONE !! You return home at the end of night feeling the same way you felt before you left.. Alone, Not Rejuvenated, Uninspired and probably broke if your the kind who just blew up a whole lot of Moolah on the "FUN" time you were supposedly having.
- It's Monday morning, your at work, you do it because you need a monthly income, you know its not what you really enjoy doing and there's maybe a lot of unethical stuff you need to do to keep yourself afloat in a company full of MBA Grads and Corporate LICK ASS's , some of who have got it really easy in life, but you would rather do that , than work a job that makes you truly happy and maybe you would get paid lesser, and you would not have the MAJOR MNC TAG on your CV and you probably wouldn't be accepted by a certain social strata. Now, we understand those who just have to for various financial reasons or certain obligations. However , how about the bunch of us out there who HAVE AN OPTION ?? You know you can be happier, better, healthier, mentally more stable, cleaner conscience and just HAPPY BEING YOU. Whats stopping you ?
My Thoughts :
We're damaging ourselves every second of the time we're pretending to be someone we're not.
We're beating our spirits down every time we don't speak out, every time we just "GEL IN" with a crowd that does not have anything in common with you. (I'm not saying we should be social grumps and sit with a finger in our arse and just be really RIGID).
We're losing the art and the will to be " our true self" and it can do major damage to the extent that you find yourself clueless and running after temporary pleasures that leave you empty and strained out.
Be happy, Be free, Be Expressive,Be REAL = BE YOU
Its not as hard as it seems. The world is out there waiting to see you be yourself and love you for the very person and character you are. You can be the best of you with the best of people who want you just the way you are.
No point in stabbing yourself with pains that isn't even required. Life throws enough against you as it is. There's enough to deal with anyyywayyssss !!!
Love yourself, Love your ideas, Love who you are and what you want to be and if there's anyone who tells you different and makes you feel different below is a pictorial of what your response should be.
Hahahaaa !!! Just Love Yourself Darlings <3
Until next time
Good Day, Guten Tag & Masalama
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